Current Legislation

HB 1567

Rep. Chuck Grassie; Rep. Benjamin Baroody; Rep. Carol McGuire; Rep. David Paige; Rep. Jaci Grote; Rep. Mary Jane Wallner; Rep. Nancy Murphy; Rep. Rebecca McWilliams; Rep. Ross Berry; Sen. Rebecca Perkins Kwoka; Sen. Rebecca Whitley

Relative to Zoning Provisions Concerning Family and Group Family Child Care Uses.

This bill generally requires family and group family child care programs to be allowed as an accessory use to any primary residential use under local zoning and planning regulations.

HB 1568

Rep. John Sellers; Rep. Tim McGough; Sen. Daniel Innis

Relative to Medicaid Reimbursement For Non-transport Emergency Medical Services Calls.

This bill requires Medicaid reimbursement for non-transport emergency medical services calls.

HB 1607

Rep. Glenn Cordelli; Rep. Candace Moulton; Rep. Dianne Schuett; Rep. Gerri Cannon; Rep. Jodi Nelson; Rep. Jonah Wheeler; Rep. Katy Peternel; Rep. Mark Pearson; Rep. Matthew Coker; Rep. Maureen Mooney; Sen. Jeb Bradley; Sen. Regina Birdsell; Sen. Sharon Carson

Relative to Expanded Safe Haven Protections.

This bill allows a parent to relinquish their child by placing the child in a safe haven baby box, expands the age of a child to 61 days and provides protection from legal action to the parent.

HB 1640

Rep. J.R. Hoell; Rep. Daniel Popovici-Muller; Rep. Tony Lekas

Relative to Qualified Immunity Standards.

This bill establishes standards and procedures for claims against the state for alleged violations of constitutional rights by government employees.

HB 1641

Rep. Rebecca McWilliams; Rep. Eric Gallager; Rep. Jessica Grill

Relating to Requiring Large Parking Lots to Have A Solar Power Canopy.

This bill requires that large parking facilities, whether existing or new, utilize photovoltaic solar canopies over at least 50 percent of the open asphalt surface.

HB 1647

Rep. Peter Leishman; Rep. Dan McGuire; Rep. Jaci Grote; Rep. Jeffrey Goley; Rep. Steve Shurtleff; Sen. Donna Soucy

Relative to The Calculation Of Group II Retirement Benefits In The Retirement System.

This bill modifies the group II members retirement annuity multipliers for the New Hampshire retirement system. The bill makes an appropriation to the retirement system therefor.

HB 1649

Rep. Karen Ebel; Rep. Alexis Simpson; Rep. Bill Boyd; Rep. Carry Spier; Rep. Jared Sullivan; Rep. Maureen Mooney; Rep. Nancy Murphy; Rep. Ron Dunn; Rep. Rosemarie Rung; Rep. Wendy Thomas; Sen. David Watters; Sen. Denise Ricciardi; Sen. Kevin Avard; Sen. Shannon Chandley; Sen. Suzanne Prentiss

Relative to Prohibiting Certain Products with Intentionally Added PFAS.

This bill restricts the use of per and polyfluoroalkyl substances in certain consumer products sold in New Hampshire.

HB 1651

Rep. Dan McGuire; Rep. Peter Leishman

Relative to Combining The Board Of Tax and Land Appeals and The Housing Appeals Board.

This bill moves the housing appeals board to combine with the board of tax and land appeals as a new land appeals board.

HB 1653

Rep. Kevin Pratt

Relative to Determination Of Earnable Compensation For Certain Group II Retirement System Members.

This bill modifies the definition of earnable compensation for group II retirement system members who did not attain vested status prior to January 1, 2012.

HB 1673

Rep. Kevin Pratt

Relative to Average Final Compensation For Certain Group II Members.

This bill redefines average final compensation for group II retirement system members who commenced service prior to July 1, 2011 and who did not attain vested status prior to January 1, 2012

HB 1696

Rep. David Bickford

Relative to Electronic Record Requests Under The Right-to-know Law.

This bill clarifies a public body or agency's ability to accept record requests by electronic means and to provide such records electronically.

Item Name